Friday, May 21, 2010

Freshman Year.

Every first day I walked in I always thought this year would go by slow. Freshman year has come and gone, its ran its course and now its time to move on. I will always remember making new friends and all my teachers. This year had ups and downs but its come to the end where everyone needs to forgive and forget. Drama made this year a little out of control. Maybe a lot out of control, but its in the past and Im ready to move on. My Freshman year here at Moline High has been amazing. I'll never forget this year of high school. My very first year of high school. I can't believe it's already come and gone, but I hope I'll have just as much fun Sophomore year. I'll miss every single one of my friends over summer, but I'll see most of them next year. My year was amazing all around.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How is life on the farm similar to the life of some people.

Animal Farm has a lot of meaning behind it, and some things on the farm aren't fair. There are things that aren't fair in life too. One example of how the unfairness on the farm is Old Majors speech on how life on the farm isn't fair. In the speech he talks about it with all the animals gathered around and he starts to give examples on different things that are important, but how it's not fair to the animals. Some examples of the speech are when he's talking to the chickens, and he asked them how many eggs they have laid in one year, and then how many of them they don't get to raise as their own. When he's talking to the horse and told how when is muscles got weaker they would send him to the slaughter house. Also the dogs and how when they got old and weak the farmer would tie a brick around his neck and drown him in a pond. I've seen many unfair things in my life, and in the life of others. The examples I gave tie in well with things that I have experienced quit like them. When I said how the ducks don't get to raise their own because they get taken from them, I have seen many people lose their babies or toddlers and not get to raise them to teenagers or adults. That's not fair in life, but that's what happens in life. As you can see, some things on the farm aren't fair, and neither are things in real life.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What is power and who or what holds it in your life?

Power in control over something or maybe even someone. Power in this case isn't your car power or the power in your house. In this case its the power in your life. The power that you hold or somebody else holds for you. In your life, who or what holds power? It could be anyone or anything. It might be your parents, grandparents, or another relative. Teenagers have power for themselves but their parents also hold power in some way. Children have power that their parents hold.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Why students always have missing work.

While some people argue the main reasons of why students have missing assignments are it’s to hard, they’re to lazy, or they don’t have time, when really the main reason why the students have missing work is they are always absent.

Some other possible reasons students might have missing work is because they skip. Students skip and they go other places. For example, they could go to a park, more then likely though it would be a park that the cops didn’t patrol. They could go to a friends house and just hang out there. Sometimes they are just staying home because they fell like it and their parents let them. Maybe even just out driving around aimlessly without anything better to do.

The main reason students have missing work is because they are sick . nice Students get missing work from being sick because they miss what was in class that day. For example, students get sick by getting the flu, getting a cold, really bad stomach cramps, stuffy runny nose, or a really bad cough. I remember one time when I got really sick and had to be out for a week. It happened around the beginning of the school year. I came to school on picture day and I was walking down the hall with a couple friends and out of nowhere I started getting a really bad fever you could say. I made it through three periods and then I had to go to the nurse because I started getting really bad leg cramps and stomach pains. My mom came and got me, took me home and I tried lying down. After about an hour I just couldn’t find that comfort spot, like that spot where you feel most comfortable when you have pains, so I went to my mom and I had her take me to the hospital and they said to have to be tested for a really bad flu that was going around at the time. I had to stay out for a week and wash down everything I touched, spray what I sat on, and wash everything I wore or used. They even made me wear a mask because my mom was pregnant and I have three brothers and also my mom’s boyfriend. It was really hard going back to school when I could and getting all my missing work in. That was a really tough time to work to get everything in. As you can see, the main reason for students having missing work would have to be getting sick because there are a lot of different things you can catch now days.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is "fake" animal skin?

Fake animal skin is not actually animal skin. Another word for this is Faux skin. Typically made from polymeric fibers. These fibers go through processing, dying, and then they are cut to make a specific texture and color of the natural skin. Faux furs have many advantages to real fur which makes them more of an option and more fashionable. Faux furs are better to use because then we don't kill our nature animals just for some real fur. Faux fur also looks and feels like real fur. Faux furs are typically cheaper then real fur.

Friday, October 30, 2009

What is Islam?

Islam is a religion that people may follow. I did some research based on the characteristics below. I found the information below.

The founder of the Islam religion is Muhammad of Mecca, Arabia.
Followers & Locations Today.
There are 13 billion followers of the Islamic religion. Today the locations of people following the religion are the Middle East and North Africa.

Holy Books.
They only have one holly book that they follow. This book is Qur'an (Koran). This means the recitation. Muslim's believe this book to be the divine guidance and direction of mankind. They believe the book was brought to Muhammad by a angle. Muslim's say that the book was written down by Muhammad's companions while he was alive.

Religious Holidays.
There are a lot of religious holidays that they believe in. Some are:
  • Al-Hijira--Islamic New Year.
  • Ramadan--Month of Fasting.
  • 'Id Al-Fitr--Festival of Breaking Fast.
  • 'Id Al-Adha--Festival of Sacrifice.
Muslims are required to wear modest clothes as custom. Muslim Women must cover their hair and entire body except hands and face when in public. Muslim men are asked to cover from navel down.

Particular Dress/Clothing.
Women: Clothing must cover entire body and should be thin to where one can see trough. Only hands and face must be seen. Women clothing can't resemble male clothing. Design should not be bold so that it attracts attention. Also, the clothing should not be tight fitting so that the shape of the body appears. Above is a picture of how how the women dressing looks.

In Islam there is no hierarchy that I could find. They say with the absence of the Hierarchy it makes it easier to adapt to local conditions but also difficult for them to achieve any sort of degree.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Chid Abuse.

Hey I found this website on Child Welfare, which is the name of the site but it tells you about the types of abuse, how to identify it, how to prevent it also how to respond to it. Child abuse is a really bad thing because people just hit them or shake them and then the babies just suffer through it and sometimes they die. There are ways to prevent child abuse from happening and even ways to identify when a child is abused and what type it is. If you go to website and you read about this problem you can more then likely identify child abuse and help the child. Children don't deserve to be abused because their parents are just angry and then take it out on them. In my opinion parents or people that would ever do this don't deserve to be parents because children don't deserve the pain and suffering of abuse because they're angry. Take time to read this site and maybe you can help a child.