Friday, February 5, 2010

Why students always have missing work.

While some people argue the main reasons of why students have missing assignments are it’s to hard, they’re to lazy, or they don’t have time, when really the main reason why the students have missing work is they are always absent.

Some other possible reasons students might have missing work is because they skip. Students skip and they go other places. For example, they could go to a park, more then likely though it would be a park that the cops didn’t patrol. They could go to a friends house and just hang out there. Sometimes they are just staying home because they fell like it and their parents let them. Maybe even just out driving around aimlessly without anything better to do.

The main reason students have missing work is because they are sick . nice Students get missing work from being sick because they miss what was in class that day. For example, students get sick by getting the flu, getting a cold, really bad stomach cramps, stuffy runny nose, or a really bad cough. I remember one time when I got really sick and had to be out for a week. It happened around the beginning of the school year. I came to school on picture day and I was walking down the hall with a couple friends and out of nowhere I started getting a really bad fever you could say. I made it through three periods and then I had to go to the nurse because I started getting really bad leg cramps and stomach pains. My mom came and got me, took me home and I tried lying down. After about an hour I just couldn’t find that comfort spot, like that spot where you feel most comfortable when you have pains, so I went to my mom and I had her take me to the hospital and they said to have to be tested for a really bad flu that was going around at the time. I had to stay out for a week and wash down everything I touched, spray what I sat on, and wash everything I wore or used. They even made me wear a mask because my mom was pregnant and I have three brothers and also my mom’s boyfriend. It was really hard going back to school when I could and getting all my missing work in. That was a really tough time to work to get everything in. As you can see, the main reason for students having missing work would have to be getting sick because there are a lot of different things you can catch now days.

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