Friday, March 5, 2010

How is life on the farm similar to the life of some people.

Animal Farm has a lot of meaning behind it, and some things on the farm aren't fair. There are things that aren't fair in life too. One example of how the unfairness on the farm is Old Majors speech on how life on the farm isn't fair. In the speech he talks about it with all the animals gathered around and he starts to give examples on different things that are important, but how it's not fair to the animals. Some examples of the speech are when he's talking to the chickens, and he asked them how many eggs they have laid in one year, and then how many of them they don't get to raise as their own. When he's talking to the horse and told how when is muscles got weaker they would send him to the slaughter house. Also the dogs and how when they got old and weak the farmer would tie a brick around his neck and drown him in a pond. I've seen many unfair things in my life, and in the life of others. The examples I gave tie in well with things that I have experienced quit like them. When I said how the ducks don't get to raise their own because they get taken from them, I have seen many people lose their babies or toddlers and not get to raise them to teenagers or adults. That's not fair in life, but that's what happens in life. As you can see, some things on the farm aren't fair, and neither are things in real life.

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